“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus, concerning you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV)

My wife tells me that I say “thank you” too much, and that it can sound insincere if I say it too often. I confess, I’m guilty! But I really do want to be thankful in my heart when I say it, though I know I’ve sometimes repeated it to others, ad naseum!  

When we first lived in Asia as missionaries, we came back to the USA with no home of our own, and we were blessed to stay with many friends. Those who hosted us for long periods were Ken and Cheri in Minnesota.  Every night at bedtime, I would try to remember to say to Ken and Cheri, “Thanks for having us!” and I would often repeat the phrase to them – “THANKS A MILLION!”  We really were grateful to them, and we knew it was no small thing on their part to host us for weeks on end during our months in the USA. They cared for us just like family, and they were like adopted grandparents to our children. We loved being in their home, and we had lots of laughs together.  It became our big joke that any time I expressed appreciation to them, Cheri would say back to me, “THANKS A MILLION!” So many laughs … We sure miss them since they’ve gone to be with Christ. They and their family were a gift to us!


These brief closing instructions of Paul to the Thessalonian church were, “Rejoice evermore.” (1Thess. 5:16) “Pray without ceasing.” (v17), and, “in everything give thanks.” (v18) – (NKJV)

“IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS.” Please take note – Paul was not saying that “WE SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING.” But rather, IN EVERYTHING … which is to say that “in the midst of everything,” and that in every circumstance and situation we find ourselves in, we should find a way to be thankful to God.  When we go through great hardships and trials, God doesn’t want us to be fatalistic saying,  “thank you Lord FOR this horrid situation, or thank you FOR this sickness, etc.” But as we’re praying to be delivered from difficulties, God knows it lifts our souls to be grateful thankful to Him in the midst of the darkest of troubles, when we think about all the good things He has done. 


When his wallet was stolen, the great preacher Matthew Henry found a way to be thankful to God. He penned these reminiscing thoughts:

“1.) I am thankful that he never robbed me before. 2), I am thankful that although he took my wallet, he did not take my life. 3) I am thankful that although he took all I had, it was not much. 4), And I am glad that it was I who was robbed, not I who did the robbing.”

Matthew Henry found a way to make lemonade out of lemons. 


Learning to appreciate all that we have is a key to a meaningful life, and life is made rich when we express our gratefulness and thanks to God for all He has done. Let’s face it, frequent complaining and self-centeredness will cause us to become discontent, and can ultimately cause our hearts to wander from the God we love. It also distances people from us. No one likes to be around a perpetual complainer! I’m still working on it and I’m reminding myself daily to be thankful to God, even when I’m impatient, annoyed, and bothered by situations and circumstances. However, I’ve also found great joy and moments of deep worship when I’ve pondered all God has done as I’ve prayed, “Thanks, Lord.” In the simplicity of gratitude I’ve met with God.     

I want to encourage you – Let thankfulness arise in your heart to God for all good things, big and small. 

“THANKS A MILLION, Lord Jesus.” I really mean it!


“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward



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