Equipped in the Day of Battle – The Shield of Faith

“The Shield of Faith”

Equipped to Stand in the Day of Battle

Eph 6:16-17 “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

The Armor of God described in Ephesians 6 is a wonderful attestation of the furnished protection and power which God has given to every believer in Christ.


The Shield of Faith:

The New Testament being written in Greek, is a rich language, filled with insights and meanings.   Paul uses the Greek word  “Thureos,” to describe this shield of faith.   This “thureos” shield of faith is fascinating in its study. 

Paul’s revelation of the Christian in battle,  describes the armor of  the believer in a metaphoric analogy taken from the contemporary Roman soldier.  The Roman soldier himself, was accustomed to using several different kinds of shields in different aspects of battle.  One shield was small and circular, and was commonly used in hand to hand combat in one on one skirmishes.  It was quick, maneuverable, and effective, but unsuitable for large scale warfare and battles.  

Another shield that the Romans used was purely decorative, being a work of artistry,  covered with gold and silver filigree, and ornamental carvings.  It was used for parades and at moments where Roman armies would celebrate victories in public processions.  Is it possible that some people may have only a decorative faith, that is used on Sundays, or at other convenient times.  These may carry obligatory, decorative bibles to church, which are carried only as an accessory for Sunday life.   Such a decoration, doesn’t mean that the person carrying it possesses a true relationship with Christ.  Deliver us Lord, from “decorative faith.”

Understanding the “Thureos” Shield.

However, the shield that Paul describes is disctintly different.  The word “thureos” is the same root word in Greek to describe a “door.”   This shield was enormous, and covered the Roman soldier head to foot,  and could be used to completely cover and hide the soldier in times of attack from arrows.  The truth is seen that our faith in Christ “covers us” completely. We can be protected and hidden by faith in the day of battle.  

Maintaining Your Shield of Faith:

The shield of the Roman soldier being made out of many layers of leather, needed regular maintenance, whereby the soldier would rub penetrating oil into the leather to prevent it from becoming dry, cracked, and brittle.  The typology of this is so evident.   We as believers need the saturating presence of God in our lives, and the “oil” of the Holy Spirit to penetrate our hearts, keeping us pliable, and useable for God.   This can only be done by spending time in God’s presence, in His Word, and the fellowship of believers.

Finally,  in the day of battle,  the soldier would soak his shield in water.  The water-logged shield was able to extinguish (“quench” – KJV) the flaming arrows of the enemy.   While oil is an emblem of the Holy Spirit,  water also speaks to us about the Word of God.  (Eph. 5:26 – “washing of the water of the word.”) It is clear –  We as believers, need the soaking and saturation of the Word of God in our lives,  whereby we will be able to withstand the fiery attacks of the enemy in our lives.  When we’re filled with Holy Spirit and the Word of God – the attacks of the enemy, whether they be – discouragement, disillusionment, or self-pity, and cynicism, these are all extinguished by the presence of God in your life.   God has equipped you for the day of battle.   

“Be strong in the Lord.” – Eph. 6:10

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