“Og Mitt Liv” – The Lives of Missionaries – Peter Torjesen

” … They first gave themselves to the Lord, and then to us by the will of God.”  – 2 Corinthians 8:5 (NKJV)

Red Line

When a missions offering was being received in a small church in Norway in 1918, Peter Torjesen, at 18 years old, emptied his wallet for missions in China. Afterwards, he penned a note on a small piece of paper which he slipped in the offering basket. The note read: “Og Mitt Liv.” (And my life)

Torjesen acted upon his three word commitment – “Og Mitt Liv,” and gave himself for a lifetime of service with his wife Valborg, in Shanxi, China. During his tenure, Torjesen found himself in the throes of a Japanese-Chinese war, and sought to continue ministering the gospel during the difficult days of a horrible war. He was endeared to the people of Shanxi province, who gave him the nickname, “Leaf Evergreen.”

In 1939, his mission was bombed by the Japanese for harboring Chinese refugees. Torjesen died in that bombing raid, but later became a national hero in China. In 1990, the Chinese government invited his grandson, Finn Torjesen, (a missionary to Indonesia), to return and establish a work in China. A Chinese official said, “We want your kind of people back in China.” Today, a recognized mission organization, “Evergreen China,” now exists to serve the Chinese people, and minister the gospel of Christ.

Peter Torjesen’s life has left a legacy of faith.

Whenever we have the opportunity to give financially (or otherwise), we should realize that a true offering to God can never be severed from the spirit of “giving oneself.” This is the true spirit of giving, and the kind that God blesses.

Make it your prayer and say, “and my life” to Christ in everything you do. You will not be disappointed.

more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Torjesen

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