Going Out on a Limb

“It seemed for us … to send chosen men … with Barnabus and Saul. Men that have hazarded their lives for the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Acts 15:25,26 (KJV)

The idiom “going out on the limb,” is generally understood to describe something done which is bold and assertive in action or speech, and is done because of passion about the thing done. Such people can be easily criticized or misunderstood.
The idiom is simply taken from the idea of climbing a tree and going  out to the end of a branch. Of course, the further you get out on the limb, the shakier it gets.  
Many years ago, a group of European botanists were doing research in a remote part of the Alps. Their search was leading them to new varieties of flowers that grew only in the mountains, and on a certain day during their outings, they noticed a rare flower growing at the bottom of a ravine. They immediately realized that only way to get at it was to lower someone on a rope into the valley, and they discussed a plan about how to get down into the valley to gain their prize.
Watching all of these proceedings was a curious Swiss boy, and when the scientists noticed his slight size, it seemed to them that it would be easy to lower him to the valley because of his size and weight.  The question was posed to the boy if he would be willing to get the flower, and they told him they would securely tie a rope around his waist and they in their strength would lower him to the floor of the ravine. 
The young boy looked down and said, “Wait. I’ll be right back,” and he ran off and returned with an older man. The boy then said to the scientists,

 … “I’ll go over the cliff and get the flower for you but this man must hold the rope. He’s my Dad.”  

If Christ is in your life, then He’s holding on to you in every situation. He promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” – Heb. 13:5. This isn’t wishful thinking. It’s the truth and reality of what God promises.

The important question is this …  “Have you received Christ and made Him Lord of your life?” 

If your answer is “Yes”, then God truly is your heavenly Father and He will “hold the rope” in every shaky and uncertain situation of life. If you can’t answer yes to this question, I urge you to respond to the love of God as you read these words, and answer the call of God upon your heart, praying and accepting Christ, receiving His love and forgiveness.  Jesus died and rose again so that we could have a relationship with God.   It starts today. 
Remember … Any risk or faith venture undertaken in prayer, committed it to God, means that He will be holding your rope.  Be bold and assertive today in Christ in the passion that moves your heart. God won’t let go, and He will help you to get the prize. 
Well it’s a NEW YEAR. Why not plan to do something bold for God this year?
Will Rogers, the great American statesman said, “Go out on the limb. That’s where the fruit is.”

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