God Ideas

“These that have turned the world upside down have come here also.” – Acts 17:6

Ideas can turn the world upside down. Ideas have the power to change the world. First of all, let’s settle something. God’s idea and plan to send His Son to redeem mankind has changed the world. Jesus Christ has influenced the world more than any man in history. This is the undeniable, irrefutable fact of history. Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and God’s eternal plan of salvation provided a way to restore broken humanity to be in relationship with God Himself. God He desires for us to have a life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. This amazing “idea” and plan of God is working every day!

God loves to inspire Christians with ideas for the advancement of His kingdom and the benefit of mankind!

The Printing Press

The printing press changed the world! Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440 in Mainz, Germany, the printing press was an undeniable tool in the hands of God. This amazing invention outmoded the laborious work of scribes, whose lives were spent copying handwritten works.

The first mass book printing undertaken by Gutenberg was the Bible, and one can only see the divine correlation in history when the church, culture and society was undergoing great change in Europe. European protestant preachers were teaching the “priesthood of the believer,” ie. that man needed not the services of a priest or clergyman to approach God. Man had not only the capacity to approach God, but to read God’s word and understand its message and revelation.

Prior to this the church conferred authority to the clergy alone to read and interpret the Bible, and to give teachings to the people concerning God’s truth. During the reformation, God gave a man the idea for the printing press for the express purpose of giving the Bible to common believers. Gutenberg’s genius impacted the church unlike any other invention. The printing press has changed the world.

The Invention of the Typewriter

In his book, “What the World Owes to Christians,” Dr. Victor Pierce, writes about the history of the modern typewriter.

How did a Christian develop the idea to invent a typewriter? To write sermons. (I’m serious!)

Christopher Sholes, was a faithful church member and a committed follower of Christ. He felt concern for his pastor whose life was filled with activity, especially visiting the sick. Because of his busy life of visitation and church administration, the pastor had no time for writing out his sermon notes.

Mr. Sholes talked with a friend about the pastors busy life, with the lament, “It seems a pity there ain’t some quick method of writing for busy folks like parsons.”

After discussion about it, his friend challenged Mr. Sholes to invent a machine that would solve this task. After months of work, Sholes created a simple typewriter, of which the principles of this prototype are still in use today in manual typewriters. Afterwards, Sholes invited a group of friends to the unveiling of this new invention. He inserted paper into the machine and type out in CAPITAL LETTERS the following:


In 1873, the Remington company determined that the invention of the typewriter could have a powerful impact on business. During this time, the position of a clerk in offices was held mostly by men. In a bold move, the Y.W.C.A (Young Women’s Christian Association) started offering typing courses for women. This initially created a scandal, but the business world would never be the same. Highly skilled women typists entered the job market and employers rushed to hire them. The typewriter radically changed the employment market, and it changed the world!

What can God accomplish through you?

Give God your ideas.

He may use you to change the world!

Image: Gutenberg Bible: A copy of the Gutenberg Bible owned by the US Library of Congress (No attribution required) source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutenberg_Bible#/media/File:Gutenberg_Bible.jpg

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